La Bonne Chute – Here are our 10 reasons that BEER is good for you:
1. Beer drinkers live longer: Moderate drinking is good for you, and beer is good for moderate drinking.
2. Beer is all-natural: Some know-it-alls will tell you that beer is loaded with additives and preservatives. The truth is that beer is as all-natural as orange juice or milk (maybe even more so – some of those milk & OJ labels will surprise you).
3. Beer is low in calories, low in carbohydrates and has no fat or cholesterol: For a completely natural beverage, beer offers serious low-calorie options.
4. Beer improves your cholesterol: Beer not only has no cholesterol, it can actually improve the cholesterol in your body.
5. Beer helps you chill: The social aspects of moderate drinking are solidly beneficial to your health.
6. Beer has plenty o’ B vitamins: Beer, especially unfiltered or lightly filtered beer, turns out to be quite nutritious, despite the years of suppression of those facts by various anti-alcohol groups. Beer has high levels of B vitamins, particularly folic acid, which is believed to help prevent heart attacks.
7. Beer is safer than water: If you’re someplace where you are advised not to drink the water, the local beer is always a safer bet.
8. Beer prevents heart attacks: If you want to get a bit more cutting-edge than vitamins, beer has other goodies for you.
9. Beer fights cancer: The most amazing beer and health connection is something called xanthohumol, a flavonoid found only in hops. Xanthohumol is a potent antioxidant that inhibits cancer-causing enzymes.
10. Beer does not give you a beer belly: A study done by researchers at the University College of London and the Institut Klinicke a Experimentalni Mediciny in Prague in 2003 showed no connection between the amount of beer people drank and the size of their overhang.
So as you can see, a weekly beer with your mates can go a long way!
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